As shown below, while entering a dissection allocated to a farm management enterprise, the option of allocation to a management season becomes available. You may select any one of the management seasons offered in the list.
Phoenix Financial Pro will default the transaction to the season indicated by the date of the transaction, and the entered start date for this particular enterprise. You may select a different season from the list offered.

Cost is allocated to the management season in which it is expected to generate income.
Income is allocated to the management season in which the production was generated.
Extra Detail Is Required For Farm Management Dissections
The principal aim in the production of farm enterprise reports is to base information on a particular enterprise, for a particular management season.
The detail required to produce good farm enterprise reports is greater than that required for financial reports. As shown below, the additional requirements for accurate enterprise and management season allocation mean that a further breakdown of dissections is required.
Allocate each cheque or deposit to enterprises and seasons
Rather than allocating only to cash-book category and sub-category, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the allocation of costs correctly to enterprise and management season. Transactions which for financial reports needed only one entry may need separate entries for one or more enterprises and management seasons within these enterprises.