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Phoenix - User Help


Filter Measurements: This switch, if turned on, will limit the family of units presented to you when entering a new transaction to that which you nominated on the Measurement Tab in the Category Setup area.  If the family of units selected is weight for example, you will only be shown grams, kilograms etc.  If this switch is turned off you will be shown all units.

If the filter is turned on when you use a quantity for the first time against a Sub-category that has no Measurement unit(s) set, Phoenix will set the Measurement unit(s) to that used in the transaction. For example, if you enter a quantity of kilograms against a Sub-category that has never had a Measurement unit set, then Phoenix will set it to default to Weight units. This is designed to make entering future quantities easier. Turning off the Filter Measurements option above and setting the Measurement unit for the Sub-category back to None in Category Setup will allow any unit to be selected against the Sub-category. See also Category Setup

Filter Pay to field for EFT Transactions: If EFT Payment is selected as the transaction type, and this switch is turned on, the list of card file entries will be restricted to only those that have an account number and a BSB recorded.

Show Reminder on Save when Date is outside the Period: This option will display a reminder prompt when you enter a transaction with a date that is outside of the current period.

Match to Card File on Add Transaction: This option is used when creating a new transaction from a Bank Transaction. When enabled, Phoenix will attempt to complete the Pay To / From field by finding a match from the Card File.

Validate Accounts before Reconciling: When you reconcile an account in Phoenix or finalise the GST Return Phoenix will automatically check that all accounts are reconciled/opened/aged up to the equivalent period.  If accounts are lagging behind Phoenix will prompt you to bring them up to date.  If you do no want this check performed, remove the tick from this box.

Ask for Confirmation Before Writing Off a Transaction When writing off a transaction using the “Write-Off” option in Phoenix it will display a warning message.  It is possible for you to turn this message off so that it does not appear next time.  This option if enable turns the warning message back on again.

Force GST Rounding in reports: Due to the GST on all transactions being calculated to the forth decimal place and the reports only displaying to the second decimal place, there were occasions where the report total was two cents or less different to the sum of all of the above figures.

This option forces both the figures and the totals used in the report to be generated from two decimal places only.

Save Report Criteria: This feature has Phoenix save the last used settings for each report (period, selected categories etc.)  Regardless of whether Phoenix has been closed or your computer has been rebooted, the next time you choose the same report from the list under the View button the same selections that were previously made will still be chosen.  If you make any changes to the report criteria then these will be reflected when running the report again.

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