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Phoenix - User Help

This section relates to legacy Aged Trading accounts that were used in Version 5 of Phoenix and earlier. See Legacy Aged Trading Accounts

To Age Supplier Accounts:

1.Select Tasks on the menu bar, and then select Aged Supplier Tasks, and then Age Accounts... to display the Age Suppliers dialogue box:

Age these accounts at the end of each month before entering a new month’s transactions.

2.Tick the supplier terms you wish to age.

3.Click the Age Supplier button.


Once accounts are aged for a particular period, you cannot edit some details of entries within that period, so you should ensure that all entries have been made for that period, and that they are correct.

Any transaction not yet part of an aged statement appears on the current statement view for a sub-account.

When a statement period is aged, only those transactions with periods the same as or before the selected closing statement date can be included in the aged statement period.

A period can be un-aged.  By selecting the tick box next to the label Undo Aging.  This un-ages the latest period and makes the period current again and allows entries into that period.  If a transaction is to be entered or its amount edited in an earlier period all the periods back to that period need to be un-aged as well then re-aged after the changes have been made.

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