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Phoenix - User Help

The Chart option from the Toolbar provides Pie, Bar, Line and Area graphs with a comprehensive range of user selectable display options.

To create a chart select the Chart_Button icon from the toolbar.  The chart displayed is for the current active row on the sheet.  Hence if you wish to chart a particular cell or row simply select it prior to selecting the chart icon.



Located on the selection bar of the chart window are Chart, Print and Options buttons.


Chart Formats

Located immediately to the right of the options button are the chart format icons.  These icons are used to select the desired chart format for your presentation.  They are presented in the following order.  Line, Bar, Pie, Area and Multiple Charts.  To select the chart format select the icon with the mouse and the system will automatically reconfigure the chart in the new format.

An additional feature used in the presentation of the chart can be seen on the right side of the window when the Pie Chart option is chosen. This is the Rotate action which allows you to rotate the pie chart to better display labels when

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