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Navigation: Mapping > Project Settings

Coordinate System

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You can change the projection type of the project. To change projection type:

Click View/Edit Program Options settings-options

Select the Coordinate System tab.



Australia/World Tabs: The Australia tab is a filtered list of commonly used coordinate systems used in Australia. The World tab provides a seemingly endless list of all coordinates systems.

Projection is a mathematical model of the Earth which approximates the shape of the Earth and enables calculations such as position and area to be carried out in a consistent and accurate manner.  

Zone - Selected Projections can be broken up into zones. Australia ranges from zone 49 to 56. If you are unsure of what zone you are in, click Map_zone_v8 to be presented with an interactive map.  

Reproject Vector Layers. If a vector layer (drawing) is detected as having a different projection to that of the project then the button will be enabled allowing you to change the projection of the drawing layers to match that of the project.

Lat/Long Format is the format in which the secondary coordinates will display in the bottom left corner of the main mapping window.

©2024 AGDATA Holdings Pty Ltd trading as AGDATA Australia