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Enter Asset Purchases

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This Article is to aid users in the recording of asset purchases where the GST is claimed up front, as well as recording the finance repayments for the asset purchase. If you are unsure of your eligibility to claim GST up front, please contact your accountant.



*Please Note that the GST rates specified in this document are in no way to be treated as financial advice.  AGDATA recommends you consult with your accountant regarding which GST rates to use

Comments contained in this article are developed from the experience of the team at AGDATA Australia. We are not qualified tax agents or financial advisors and therefore any information or comments offered are in no way intended to represent professional taxation or financial opinion.  Clarification on such issues must always be obtained from an appropriate source such as the Business Activity Statement Instruction Booklet, the Australian Taxation Office or your accountant.

©2024 AGDATA Holdings Pty Ltd trading as AGDATA Australia