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Phoenix - User Help

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How to Use Help

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The help system provided with Phoenix provides a number of useful facilities.

The help window is broken into two panes. On the right hand side of the help window is the actual help information for a selected topic. There is one topic of information displayed here at any time.  The left and right arrows can be used to scroll back or forwards through the topic and sub-topic pages.  Each help topic has a topic title at the top of the window that does not scroll with the help information. The information is laid out using text, pictures and links to other parts of the help system.

The left hand pane displays the information applicable to the selected tab. e.g. Contents displays the Table of Contents for the entire help system. Clicking on the + symbol beside a topic expands that topic out to show the available sub-topics.  Clicking on the - symbol closes the sub-topic view.



The buttons just above the table of contents operate just like you are used to in a web browser:


Back – Pressing this button opens the previous screen.

Forward - If you have move back a topic and wish to go forward again.

Print – Clicking on this prints only the selected topic


The tabs at the top of the selection panel are:


There are three ways of finding information in Help.




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