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Phoenix 9 - User Help

You can edit objects drawn on the map.

Select the layer showing the object to be edited.

map_select arrow_v8 Click on the object you want to edit to make active (object will highlight in a transparent shade of red).

image022_v8 Click on the Edit Drawing button. The node/s of that object will turn green denoting they are active.

To move a node, click on the node and hold the left mouse button and drag the node to the new location.

To add another node, simply left mouse click on the location and it will be included in the object.

To remove nodes from Lines or Polygons, click on the node once and the node will turn from green to red denoting the node is now the active node. Click on the node a second time to delete it.

map_stop draw button_v8Click the Stop Drawing button when finished.

You can undo each step of editing by clicking the undo previous action button image028_v8

You can also revert the object back to its original state by clicking the Revert Object button image032_v8


You can swap between objects being edited by right mouse clicking over the top of another object and selecting Edit Part. Note the objects nodes change from blue to green denoting it is now the active editing object.

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