If you are using Phoenix Financial Pro and the data is in the same set of books, then the location of Enterprise/s per Season can be displayed on the map. To setup this function:
•In the Layer Manager (left hand side of screen) at the top, select Enterprises from the View dropdown menu.
•Select the Paddock layer as the active layer (highlighted). On this layer select the paddock that you want to identify as having had a particular enterprise season in it.
•Under the Object Data tab, click the button.
•In the Enterprise Link window, select an Enterprise and a season from the dropdown lists and click OK.
•Click the button to add a label. If the button is greyed out, then you will need to set up the labels appearance.
Click the Layer Properties button and click the Labels tab. At the bottom there are two dropdown windows titled Get label from field(s). From the dropdown lists, select the type of information you want displayed on the labels. Click Apply and OK.
Repeat these steps for each Enterprise Season you wish to allocate.
NB: An Object (paddock) can only be linked once to an Enterprise Season. As that paddock will have multiple Enterprise Seasons in it, you will need to create a layer for each season. To prevent having to re-draw paddocks, when creating a new layer, you have the option to copy an existing layer. This will re-create the paddocks for you.
Next, set up the colour shading and pattern for each Enterprise to be displayed on the map.
•In the Layer Manager (left hand side of screen) at the top, select Enterprises from the dropdown menu.
•Select the Paddock layer as the active layer.
• Click the Layer Properties button.
•Select the Enterprise tab then select an Enterprise from the Enterprise dropdown list. Fill in and select the relevant details below and click Apply. Repeat this step for each Enterprise.
To view the Enterprise Seasons you have setup:
•In the Layer Manager (left hand side of screen) at the top, select Enterprises from the dropdown menu.
•Select one of the Paddock layers as the active layer (highlighted) and ensure the other paddock layers have been selected for viewing (have a tick beside them).
•Select the Enterprises tab in the top section. Tick the Enterprise/s and below, tick the season/s.
The map will shade any paddock that has that combination of Enterprise/s and corresponding Season/s as selected. A label will be added to each paddock identifying the Enterprise and in which Season it occurred.