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Phoenix 9 - User Help

There are 3 storage types: Inventory, Produce Inventory and Fleece Delivery.

Inventory is for your consumables such as chemicals, feeds, etc. If you purchase feeds (grain, hay, etc) then setup these storages in Inventory to track purchases.  

Produce Storage is to record and track any commodity that is produced and stored on-farm.

Fleece delivery if for the ultimate destination, i.e. who you have sold it through.

To create Storages:

Click Setup from the Pulldown menu and select Storages.

Select the tab that best identifies the storage you are setting up.

Click btn_add_v8 to start new record.

For Fleece delivery, the Name is from the card file, the Location is the geographical district i.e. town and the Delivery Group is what you will be grouping the fleece by i.e. year by year.  

Enter the relevant details and click Save.


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