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Phoenix 9 - User Help

Navigation: Mapping > Measuring Area & Distance

Measure a Temporary Area or Distance

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If you wish to measure an Area that is not already an object:

map_measure area_v8 Click Measure Polygons button on the Toolbar.

This has activated the draw function. Draw around the area you need to measure.

map_stop draw button_v8 Click Stop Drawing button.

The area and perimeter will be displayed inside the object.

map_stop draw button_v8 Click Stop Drawing button again and the object/s will then be removed.


NOTE: You can measure multiple separate areas at the same time. After pressing the Stop Drawing button, you can then start drawing another area that will then measure independently.



If you wish to measure distances for which there is not already a Line object:

map_measure line_v8 Click Measure a Line button

This will activate the drawing function. Draw the distance you want to measure on the map. This can be multi-segmented.

map_stop draw button_v8      Click Stop Drawing button

The distance or length will then be displayed

map_stop draw button_v8      Click Stop Drawing button again and the line/s will then be removed


NOTE: You can measure multiple independent lines at the same time. After pressing the Stop Drawing, you can start drawing another line that will then measure independently.


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