When you get to the Phoenix Backup window simply tick the box Split Backup into Segments, and specify the maximum file size for each of the segments. Phoenix will then backup your data as usual, but instead of creating a single backup file, it will create the necessary number of files so that the largest file size does not exceed the size you specify in the Segment Size box.
When the backup files are created there will be the main file as well as successive files. For example, the main file will be named 2012-09-10 at 15-31.PXBAK, with each of the successive files being appended with a file number. e.g. 2012-09-10 at 15-31_001.PXBAK, 2012-09-10 at 15-31_002.PXBAK, etc.
If you are backing up to email, Phoenix will send 1 email for each segment with the subject line of each email being appended with the segment number. e.g. Segment 1 of 4.
Note: When nominating your Segment Size be careful to not make your Segment Size too small, otherwise you will end up with an excessive number of files. The default segment size is 2.00MB, but most Internet Service providers will let you email files up to 5Mb in size, with some as large as 10Mb.
See Also: Backups