The units system records information about the units of measure used in Phoenix. If you are using Phoenix Livestock in conjunction with Phoenix Financials, the units system is shared between the programs. By default, virtually all units of measure are already setup. However if there is a specific unit that is not there, then you can create it:
•Click Setup from the dropdown menu and select Units.
to start new record.
•Enter the details for the new unit on the right hand side.
•The Factor is the relationship of the new unit to all other units of that type. For example, if creating a new unit for length, then the base unit is 1 metre (1.000000). The factor for the new unit is how many metres go into the new unit.
•When finished, click Save.

NB: You can filter the units shown in the Phoenix Production modules by ticking/unticking the Make available in Production Modules option.
To create a new Feed Demand unit:
•Click Setup on the pulldown menu and select Units. •Click to start a new record. •Enter the details for the new unit on the right hand side. •Be sure to select Feed Demand in the Type dropdown field. •The Standard refers to the unit system the new Feed Demand belongs to. If in doubt select N/A. •The Factor is the relationship of the new unit to all other units of that type. For example, if creating a new unit for Feed Demand then the base unit is 1 MJ/day (1.000000). The factor for the new unit is how many daily Megajoules (MJ) of energy the new unit represent. If you select LSU you can see that one LSU represents 53.2MJ/day and one DSE equals 7.6MJ/day. This is important as it allows you to report in any unit and provides the ability to correlate Classes of different feed demand units i.e. Cattle may be recorded using LSU and sheep DSE all in the one dataset. In this situation you are able to do a combined report for both cattle and sheep due to the feed demand factor. •When finished, click Save. |