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Phoenix - User Help

There are a series of messages that can be automatically printed on customer statements. These messages are defined in Messages for Statements and Invoices. Click the Setup on the Menu Bar and select Messages for Statements and Invoices.


The messages in the Overdue box are printed on statements where an amount owing is from current trading or overdue 1, 2 or 3 periods as appropriate to the account.  The Overdue periods vary according to the trading terms set for each account.

The Customer Messages section shows the messages available for selection when printing statements. To edit the available messages, just position the cursor on the message and type in the new message. To add messages to the list, position the cursor in the box or messages and press the down arrow until the cursor moves to a new blank message line. Now type in the new message.

Invoice Payment Terms are both selected and entered while entering invoices. The Statement Comment list and the Invoice Payment Terms list can be edited and added to from the Customer Setup window. Any new comments entered through the transaction screens are added to the Statement Comment list and are printed on the statement as a description for that transaction.  To stop them from being added when entering invoices, un-tick the box beside the Statement Message.


See also: Statement Comments for Invoices

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