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Phoenix - User Help

Navigation: Financial

Configuring Financials

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Welcome!  The purpose of this section is to make it easy for users to benefit from the full power of Phoenix.

If you are using Phoenix for the first time, your application must be set up in the right way.  

When you first start a new Set of Books within Phoenix Financial you will be shown a step-by-step wizard to guide you through setting up the various areas.


You can close the wizard at any stage and continue setting up your data manually.  To start the Wizard again click on the Setup menu bar and select Wizard.

Each of the stages the Wizard takes you though can be accessed from the Setup menu bar option at any time.

Company Information

First Period

Setting up Accounts

Setting Up GST

Setting up Categories

Setting up Enterprises

Setting up Card File

Setting up Farm Enterprise Reporting


Plus, there are ease-of-use aspects to the program that are well worth knowing about from the beginning. We suggest you consider these topics in the order presented below:

Customising Phoenix

Keyboard Shortcuts

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