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Navigation: Mapping > Drawing Function

Drawing Shapes (Polygons)

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To draw a shape you will mark a series of points that are then joined/fully enclosed. This works by marking a point at every change of direction of the outline. To begin drawing:

Select the layer you want to draw the object on (will need to be a Polygon Layer).

Click on the Drawing button tool-pencil. The drawing Toolbar will appear in the top left hand corner of your image.

On your map, the cursor will be a hand with cross hairs. To draw, hold the cross hairs over the chosen point and single left mouse click.

Left mouse click at every direction change of the outline of the object.

As you are marking points, you will see the object take shape. When finished, either double left mouse click when marking the last point or click the Stop Drawing button symbol-ok

Repeat these steps to create another object.

NB: Holding down the Alt Key turns off the snapping tool, when trying to snap to a line instead of the node hold down the Shift Key and it will snap to the line.  

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