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Dry Sheep Equivalents are a traditional means of comparing the feed requirements of different livestock types. The feed requirements of different categories of livestock are expressed relative to the feed required to maintain a 45kg fleece-free dry sheep (i.e. Wether). Throughout Australia, some alternative feed demand units are used. To provide compatibility and convenience, Phoenix Financial Pro allows the user to choose a feed demand unit from the list provided. Users can even mix the units used within the system.

The Feed Demand of a livestock category will depend on a number of factors. These included:-

Animal size

Clearly, the larger the animal, the more it will eat, and the greater the Feed demand.

Weight gain

In addition to the feed required to maintain vital body functions, animals also require feed to support the growth of body tissues which will result in weight gain of the animal.

Reproduction and lactation

Both foetal growth and lactation are a large drain on female animals. To compensate for this, the feed demand of pregnant and lactating animals is much greater. Feed demand also increases as lambing percentage increases.


Control of body temperature is highly dependant on food intake. In colder climates a higher level of energy is needed to produce heat to maintain a constant body temperature. This energy is received from the feed an animal eats. In a warmer climate the feed demand need not be so great to maintain a constant body temperature.

The feed requirements of a particular animal category will vary throughout the year as the animal's size, growth rate, reproductive state and environment changes. To simplify this, livestock Feed Demand are expressed on an average for the year. For example, a merino ewe when dry may only have a feed requirement of 1 DSE but will have a DSE requirement of 2.5 during peak lactation. Over the year, the average requirement of the merino ewe will be 1.5 DSE.







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