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Fleece Delivery

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A Fleece delivery is anywhere that your fleece ultimately ends up – typically the buyer of your fleece.


On the left is a three tier treeview of the Fleece Deliveries. First tier is the company/buyer, second is the geographical location of where the delivery is made and thirdly is selling option (i.e. clip season) for the fleece.  

Fleece Delivery is auto populated from Shearing/Crutching Events. When recording the fleece details, you have the option to nominate the delivery of the individual lots thus making the information available in Fleece Delivery.  

From the Fleece Delivery window you can edit any of the information. Click into the field you wish to edit and enter the new information. Once all edits are done, click Save. This will update the Shearing/Crutching Event from which this entry came.

Also, from the Fleece Delivery window you can quickly and easily view the Event from which the entry came. To do this, click on the chain link button at the start of line in question. This will launch Event. When finished, click Save or Cancel in the Event to be returned to the Fleece Delivery window.

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