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Phoenix - User Help

Navigation: Livestock > Storages

Produce Inventory

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Produce Inventory is any storage facility in which you store farm produce. On the left hand side is a treeview of Properties and their Produce Storages that you have set up. To view the current contents of a storage, click on the storage in the treeview.




There are two ways to enter produce into a storage. First is to allocate produce from a harvest activity (if you are using Phoenix Cropping) to the storage. Secondly is to enter it from the Produce Storage page. To do this:

Click produceinventoryevents_v8 on the toolbar and select Input.

Enter the details and click Save.


NB: This will not link to a harvest activity and therefore will not contribute to yield calculations. In-order to achieve this you will need to enter inputs through the Harvest activity window.









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