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Phoenix - User Help

A history list of your previously used transaction comments is available for you to make a selection from when you are entering transactions.

The Comments shown in the list by default are all comments that you have used previously in this Set of Books.  You can filter the list of comments presented to you by using the drop-down box at the bottom of the transaction entry window.  The options are All Comment History, Use Category History, Use Sub-category History, Don't Use History.


If you enter past the Comment field when entering a dissection, the comment defaults to the sub-category name.

Phoenix also provides the ability to use a comment that you have entered previously.  When entering a dissection and you get to the Comment field, you can start typing in the comment and Phoenix will filter the list of available comments based on what you are typing.  This makes it easier to find the comment that you want.  You can have new comments that you enter automatically added to the list by having the Auto-add option turned on.  

If you click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Comment field you will be shown the full list of comments.  When you are in this view and type a letter, the list will jump to the section that starts with the letter you just typed. If you keep pressing the same letter it will continue to move down the section of the comment list that starts with the letter that you are typing.

While you are editing a transaction, you can customise the way you use this feature.




See Also: Configuring Dissection Comments


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