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Loading Accountants Codes

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Your accountant may be able to use AGDATA's Exporter program to transfer Phoenix data to his/her accounting software. Using Phoenix Exporter, the accountant records his/her chart of account codes for each of your Categories and Sub-categories. This "maps" his/her chart of accounts to your Categories and Sub-categories. The accountant should then return to you a disk that contains this "mapping" information in a file. Exporter has a Main menu option to allow your accountant to copy the mapping file to disk.

Select the Load Accountants Codes from the Data drop-down menu

Follow the on screen instructions.

By loading the file with your data files, it will automatically be included in your data backups, and will be available to your accountant the next time you send him/her a backup copy of your data.  The codes are also then visible against each sub-category in Category Setup and may be used for Trial Balance reports.

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