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Phoenix - User Help

This section relates to legacy Aged Trading accounts that were used in Version 5 of Phoenix and earlier. See Legacy Aged Trading Accounts

In the Statement View, find the supplier sub-account you wish to pay, and enter the payment transaction for the sub-account. In the dissection of the transaction, link the payment to the bank or other reconciled account from which the payment is to be drawn:

1.Click the Supp Toolbar button to display the Statement View.

2.Select the Supplier sub-account to be paid.

3.Click New to enter a new transaction for the supplier.

4.Choose “Payment” as the transaction Type.

5.Allocate the dissection entry to the category "Supplier Payments", and then the sub-category set up for linking to the reconciled account.

Note that the dissection for the supplier transaction appears as a Refund. This is normal since this dissection entry balances the same dissection entry in the reconciled account transaction so that the combined affect on the Supplier Payments category total is $0.00. This maintains the purpose of the Supplier Payments category that is to automate an account transfer.

See also:

Payment Recorded via a Reconciled Account

Payment Recorded via the Pay Suppliers function

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