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Phoenix - User Help

Regular Backups

Backup your data every time you have typed in as much information as you would be unwilling to type in again. At the least, backup after each month has been reconciled. We strongly advise that you back up after each session of entering data into the program.


Multiple Copies

Be sure that there is always more than one recent backup copy of your data.  By default Phoenix will not overwrite existing backup files on media.  However, it is also a good idea to have multiple backup devices (external hard drive, USB memory sticks etc.).  This way you can be more confident that should a device be damaged or found to be faulty that an alternative exists.


Copies span a period of time.

AGDATA suggests that you keep a minimum of three backups.  (If your business requires a lot of data entry you may wish to back more frequently than this).


One copy in a different location

In the event of fire, flood, theft etc., if all copies of the data are stored with the computer, then the same disaster can occur to all copies of the data. If one copy of the data is stored in the shearing shed, Mum & Dad’s place or at the accountant’s office, then it is likely that at least one copy will survive almost any disaster imaginable.


Keep a logbook to record when backups are taken.

Whenever a backup is done, record the date, the backup device (USB memory stick etc.) and information regarding how up-to-date the records were at the time.


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