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Backing up and Restoring your Data

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It is vital that you keep up to date copies of your financial records in addition to the records on the computer. The process of doing this is called Backing Up.

Whenever you have finished working and are ready to close Phoenix, it is good practice to backup the latest version of your set of books.  Then you have a copy if the original data in the computer is ever damaged or lost.

Phoenix will offer to Check Balances before backing up. This data check compares entries on the ledger (categories) with account entries (transaction totals) and recorded balances (reconciliations). If there are any discrepancies, Phoenix will alert you. Should any problems exist in the data, do not back up over a previous backup that was known to be a good one and call Support to have the problem dealt with quickly.”  Ignoring warnings and continuing to work in a data set in which a problem has been identified can make correcting the problem later much more difficult and time consuming.

Phoenix provides a built in utility to backup your Phoenix records. This utility is designed to efficiently backup your Phoenix records to Disk, Phoenix Warehouse or to Email. There are many other devices that you may opt to use to backup your data, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Whatever process you use to backup the data, you will need to use the same process in Restore mode to access the backed up data.


Principles of Backup


Restoring your Data

Segmented Backups

Phoenix Warehouse

Firewalls & Security

Backing up Using External Backup Programs

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