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Phoenix - User Help

The Production Map has the ability to record feeds to livestock of specific locations. To record a livestock feeding:

Single click the pin/s representing the mob/class of animals in a location you wish to feed.

A side window will appear showing the pins that have been selected. You can remove a pin from the select or view a pins history from within this window.

Click the Apply Feeds Feeds_Button button.

Tick the products that will be fed to the animals and click Select.

Edit the applicable fields or, if using Inventory, select the Inventory button and enter the quantity taken from each batch and click Save.

On the right hand side, confirm the date of the feed event, enter a note if applicable and click Apply Feed.


If feeding a mob, you have the ability to feed only some of the mob by editing the number of head in the right hand window. Classes for individual animals cannot perform a partial treatment as Phoenix Livestock needs to know which specific animals were treated.

Cluster Pins

Where there are multiple mobs/classes in a single location;

Single click the cluster pin to expose each pin in that location

Single click each pin that will be fed

Activities can be deleted from the History view of a pin. However, if you need to modify an activity then you will need to revert to Phoenix Livestock to edit the specific action.

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