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File Library

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The 'File Library' is a digital filing cabinet, built to compliment your daily work flow by providing a safe storage solution for your receipts, invoices and other documents. The File Library is available in full for all Phoenix Live subscribers and Phoenix Desktop subscribers. Production only subscribers will also get to enjoy File Library, but will see an alternate interface where we have tailored the experience to run in the absence of the Financial module. File Library will also be accessible in a read only format for historical access for past subscribers, or for first time users via our free trial.
The File Library stores a wide range of document types. File library will support documents to a maximum file size of 5MB, the supported file types are;

Supported file types
The File Library can be accessed from either the Phoenix Suite screen with the Suite file library button button or from within Financials with the Financials file buttonbutton
In Phoenix File Library you can;
 View File
 Manage Files
         Add Files
         View File Activity
         Rename Files
         Download a copy of a File
         Delete a File
 Categorise Files
         Add tags
         Apply tags
         Rename tags
         Delete tags
 Enter Transactions
         Add a new Phoenix Transaction from the File Library Overview
         Select an attached document and view the associated Phoenix Transaction
         Remove an attached document from an existing Phoenix Transaction
         Attach a document to an existing Phoenix Transaction
         Enter an optional comment for each document attached to a Phoenix transaction
 User Management & Security
         View and assign security permissions to the File Library

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