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Report Format & Navigation

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Virtually every report will have an Options menu as the last menu. The Options menu contains information about the level of detail and in what format the report will ultimately display. In a number of cases there is the ability to produce many specific reports from the one general report design.

Once a report has been generated, the Report Toolbar will appear at the top.



The buttons are as follows:

zoom-in@40px Zoom in

zoom-out@40px Zoom out

view-page-width@40px View full page width


view-page-whole@40px View full page

symbol-arrow-left@40px Previous page

symbol-arrow-right@40px Next page

Report_Pages Current page number of total number of pages

printer Print report

save-filled-document Save report

mail-back@40px Email report

find@40px Text search within the report

When holding the mouse cursor over fields within the report, if the cursor changes to then a "Drill Down" is available for that field by left mouse click. The Drill Down function reports the details that make up that field in the report. For example, if you have a total expenses field in the report and you drill down on the expenses total, it will list all the individual expenses that make up the total expenses shown in the report.

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