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Navigation: Budgets > The Budget Concept > Using Worktables

To Create a Worktable for a Budget Entry

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A monthly budget amount for a category cell may alternatively be calculated using a Worktable.

In general terms, you create a Worktable for a budget entry cell as follows:

1.Right click the cell of the spreadsheet that is to have a Worktable attached, to display the local menu.

2.Select worktable from the local menu.

3.Fill out the fields on each entry line of the blank Worktable.  See using worktables for more information on each field. You can enter any number of lines of information in any one Worktable.  See repeated entries on shortcuts for multiple line entry.  The Phoenix Budget program automatically calculates the total amount for each entry line, and the grand total amount from all Worktable lines.

4.When you have completed your entries in the Worktable, save the Worktable entries. The grand total amount from the Worktable then automatically appears as the entry in the selected spreadsheet cell.

The new Worktable is saved when you save the spreadsheet.

For more information see What does a Worktable Record.

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