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Phoenix 9 - User Help

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The Phoenix Financial Management System includes an integrated Budget system incorporating a spreadsheet similar in appearance to many spreadsheet applications currently available. Its capabilities complement the Phoenix in the following areas:

Comprehensive budget planning facilities.

Single year and multiple year budgeting.

Projected budgeting.

Sophisticated what if analysis to fine tune activities.

Cash flow reporting, graphing and printing.

Set up of Categories and Sub-categories.

Set up of multiple accounts.

Within Phoenix there are two levels of Budgeting - Budget Planner and Power Budgets.

Budget Planner is the budgeting program that comes standard with Phoenix Lite and Phoenix Financial.

Power Budgets is optional for Phoenix Lite and Phoenix Financial users but is standard for Phoenix Financial Pro Users.

While Budget Planner is a comprehensive cashflow budgeting tool, Power Budgets takes it to the next level, allowing for multi sheet budgeting, as well as full Enterprise and GST budgeting.




This section covers:

The Screen

The Budget Concept

Budget File Procedures

Setting up the Cash Book

Budget Properties

Budget Reports


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