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Phoenix 9 - User Help

Animals can be brought onto the system by Purchases, Births or through Setup.  Creating animals through Setup should only be done for system start. Once the system is up and running there should be a reason why the number of animals are increasing or decreasing, typically; Sale, Purchase, Death and Birth. As such, there is a specific function in Livestock to record these transactions.

To introduce animals onto the system at start up:

Click Setup from the dropdown menu and select Individual Animals.



There are three ways to bring animals onto the system in this window; Individually, multiple animals from electronic files and multiple un-identified animals.


NB: Setting Up Past Animals

Past Animals allows you to create animals that are no longer owned, or were never owned, for the purpose of genetic traceability as Sires and Dams of current active animals.
Semen straws and embryos would also be considered as  Past Animals.


Past Animals are created within the Individual Animals setup located in the Setup menu.
Click on New + and enter any relevant information. For Property and Paddock, you will need to select a Property and Paddock – it can be any as it will not appear in any reporting.


In the Status field, select Past Animal from the dropdown list.


The animal will now be available for linking purposes.



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