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Phoenix 9 - User Help

Select the mobs using a combination of the Selection Panel and the Animal Panel.

Click btn_events_v8 on the Toolbar and select Treatment or Feed.

In the Activity Panel are the details for recording the Treatment or Feed event. For a Mob, there is a field to enter the number that was treated.

Enter the Date then select a product from the dropdown menu. If the Product is not visible it has not been setup in the Products list. Refer to Setup Products. The product you select will display any ESI, WHP date and cost information if you have set it up with the product. You can edit any of these values directly in the Treatment/Feed activity window.

If you are using the inventory system, then select the specific batch used in this activity. Click btn_inventory_v8 to open the inventory system. Listed is all current batches for that product. Type in the quantity used from each batch and click Save.

If you want to record a batch number but are not using the inventory system, click btn_inventory_v8 and in the Batch Number field, type in the batch number. Enter the Expiry Date and the quantity used. If more than one batch was used then Tab or Enter through to start a new line. Click Save when finished.

Click the Save button when finished. The information filled in will be attached to each animal in the grid at the bottom.


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