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Phoenix - User Help

The print selection allows the user to select Customer or Supplier related documents to print.


These include:

Invoice / Receipt / Credit Note

Statement – Is a statement of all invoices and payments received for the period shown in the Activity View

List of entries – Shows all entries for the period shown in the Activity View

Aged Balance – Lists customers who have amounts outstanding in the order of statement periods or Suppliers to whom money is owed in order of statement periods and any payments made in the period.

The Options section under the list of documents changes in accordance with the type of document selected.  The Options allow you to decide what transactions are to be included in the document chosen to print.

The Preview button allows the user to view the document on the screen before printing, saving or emailing the document.
If the transaction (receipt/invoice/credit note) has attached files from the File Library then these can be included as attachments in the email. If the user has both view and download UMS permissions then Phoenix will ask whether these are to be included as attachments in the email. The prompt for which will display as per below;
include attached files to email

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