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Sub-paddocks are optional. If you do not manage your operation at a sub-paddock level then ignore this setup. Sub-paddocks can be a permanent configuration or created just for a season to record different management areas on the paddock. At any stage between seasons, you are able to revert back to paddock level recording.

To create sub-paddocks:

Click Setup from the drop-down menu and select Sub Paddocks.

btn_add_v8 Click the Add button to start a new record.

Enter in the details that are relevant for your situation.



You can create sub-paddocks one at a time or if you have a situation that requires a large number, i.e. strip farming, then click on the Multi Create button.

At the top of the window enter the number you want to create. In the common text field enter any common text (name) that will apply to all sub-paddocks. If you want to number them then enter the starting value in the numeric field. These fields will auto populate as you enter. If you don’t want this option and would prefer naming them separately, then untick the Auto Fill check box in the bottom left corner. Edit the Total and Arable areas to suit, then click Save.


Only enter a closed date when the sub-paddock is no longer of any relevance.

When finished, click Save.


NB: To revert to paddock level recording, ensure there are no active seasons on the sub-paddocks then enter a Close Date for each sub-paddock on the parent paddock.

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