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Phoenix Cropping maintains production information down to a sub-paddock level. Any physical event or activity can be recorded and attributed to a location and a cropping period or season.

Management of machinery assets are encompassed in Phoenix Cropping. In addition, complete inventory systems for products, produce and resources provide additional capabilities for managing a production system.

By maintaining detailed production records Phoenix Cropping can provide detailed production reports across a wide variety of criteria giving a clear picture and understanding of your production parameters. Key performance indicators are one aspect that will assist in better key management decisions for the production operation.

In addition complete reporting for audit and Quality Assurance requirements is also provided.

Information in Phoenix Cropping is integrated with Mapping, Livestock and Financial components of the Phoenix suite.

Maintaining complete traceability is the ultimate purpose of the Phoenix Production suite.


Overview of Phoenix Cropping

Setting Up

Using The Treeview

Recording Activities

Editing/Deleting Activities

To Do List


Machinery Maintenance Log

Integration with Phoenix Financial


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