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Machinery Maintenance Log

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Phoenix Cropping has a machinery maintenance recording system incorporated into the program. You can maintain detailed records for each machinery item which in turn provides a per hour or per hectare maintenance cost.

Click the Machinery button on the toolbar Machinery_Button


On the left is the list of machinery items created through setup. If additional machinery items need to be added, click btn_plus_small_v8 to take you back to machinery setup.

The maintenance history for the machine highlighted will be displayed in the main right hand panel. At the base of this panel is the calculated maintenance cost per measurement unit.

Below is the Notes panel. These notes are created at the time of setup. Information such as filter numbers, oil quantity required, points size, etc are created for easy reference at the time a maintenance activity will be carried out.


To record a maintenance event:

Highlight the machine on the left.

btn_new_v8 Click the Add button to start a new record.

Enter the date of the activity, a description of what the activity is, a reading and a cost.

Select the status of the activity. If it is Scheduled or In Progress it will be included in the To Do list. If either of those are selected, you have an option to set a due date for the completion of the activity.

When finished click Save.


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