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Navigation: Financial > Day to Day Tasks > Enter Transactions > Linking & Transferring

Editing / Deleting Linked Transactions & Account Transfers

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After entering a transaction with a link (or an Account Transfer), you may realise it needs to be linked to a different account / sub-account or you may wish to delete the transaction entirely.  It is important to follow the following steps to ensure that the original corresponding link is deleted successfully.

1.Locate the transaction in the account where it was originally entered (i.e. if the transaction was entered in the Bank Account and linked to a Customer Account then you need to locate the transaction in the Bank Account.  To attempt to edit the link in the Customer Account will cause a Information box to come up advising it is an A/c transfer and to Please delete from the source transaction and what that source transaction is).

2.If the original transaction (and / or the corresponding link) has been cleared in Reconciliation or the GST Control you will need to unclear the transaction before proceeding.  This also applies if either side of the transaction has been aged.  Consult the on-screen Help in Phoenix if you need guidance on how to either clear or un-age.

3.Click on Edit.  

4.Click into the Comment area on the dissection line where the link appears.

5.With the mouse still resting on Comment, right mouse click and choose Delete Entry.

6.The dissection will now be deleted and you can complete the category/sub-category/enterprise fields again and then link to the correct account and sub-account.

7.When all fields are complete, click on Save.

8.Double check the original corresponding link has been deleted (i.e. in the above scenario, check that the original corresponding link in the Customer Account has been deleted).  

If you wish to delete an entire transaction which includes a link you can click on the delete cross for the selected transaction in Edit mode but it is preferable to delete the line with the link first, as detailed above.

If the transaction has been cleared and/or aged you will need to unclear and un-age before deleting the linked dissection.

See also:

Editing Transactions

GST Return



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