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Phoenix - User Help

There are a number of options you can choose to filter the transactions that are displayed on the Bank Feeds screen.

Filtering by Date

You can use the Date Selector in the top left corner of the screen either show transactions from All Available Dates


or you can filter to only display transactions up to a particular date.


Filtering by Query

You can also filter displayed transactions by entering a search query in the Search bank records box. This will filter based on matches in the Bank Detail and amount.


Filtering by Status

The last filter option is to filter displayed transactions based on their status.


All Unmatched - All unmatched bank transactions are displayed.

Recognised - All transactions with a match and / or possible matches are displayed.

For Acceptance - All transactions with a match are displayed.

All Records - All transactions are displayed.

More - BankFeedsFiltersMore

Show Not Recognised - Transactions that weren't able to be matched are displayed.

Show Matched Only - Show transactions that have already been matched.

Show Phoenix Transactions at their closest bank dates - If there is more than one possible match for a bank transaction, or Phoenix transactions match to more than one bank transaction, Phoenix will choose the closest dates to match.


See Also:




Batch Actions

Excluding Transactions

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