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Navigation: Budgets > The Budget Concept > Multiple Accounts

Funding and Asset Accounts

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When Funding and Asset accounts are included in a budget, the account balances are displayed in a line or series of lines below the cashflow balance.

Any cashflow categories that are used to move money into or out of Funding and Asset accounts will be displayed between these account lines, and the cashflow balance line.

Any cashflow entry that will have an effect on the balance of these accounts will be entered in the cashflow as a worktable, with the "For" column allocating the entry to the appropriate account. See To allocate a Worktable to a Planning Table or Asset / Funding Account.

Entries that would be allocated like this are Loan borrowings and repayments and Asset sales and purchases.

Interest on these loans (either charged or received) are calculated automatically with the Rates button. See To Set Bank Account Interest Rates.

See Also To Use Accounts and Moving Money Between Accounts

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