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How to Record Shares

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The Phoenix Commodity accounts record any items which are an asset to the company, but where the number of units of the asset need to be recorded as well as the dollar value of the asset. Shares fit comfortably into this concept.

The aim of Phoenix Commodity trading is to record sales and purchases as they are occurring, and to marry this information with such other collected information as is necessary (such as new issues, dividend reinvestments etc) to produce a detailed Commodity Trading account.

In order to produce a detailed share trading account, Phoenix keeps a share account broken down into sub-accounts for the purpose of recording the numbers of different classes of shares, or individual companies. These accounts and sub-accounts are used to record any activity which affects the number of shares, or the value per share of any class.

Activities affecting the number of shares also impact on a cash (or reconciled) account. These activities (sales & purchases) need to be entered against the reconciled account to which they apply, and Phoenix will provide a link to the share account so that the whole impact of the transaction can be recorded in one process.

Other activities will only impact on the share accounts. These activities (share re-valuations) will be entered directly to the share account to which they apply.

Enter transactions as required.

Transactions that involve a financial aspect are entered in the financial account. The linking setup in the categories above automatically looks after the details required for the commodity account.

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