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Phoenix - User Help

To record a Recommendation:

Tick the paddocks/sub-paddocks where the recommendation will be recorded.

Click Activities_Button on the toolbar and select Recommendation.

Enter a date and select a recommendation from the drop-down list.

The total area of the ticked paddocks/sub-paddocks will be displayed below that. The Details button allows you to edit the area for each location selected.

If products are to be applied by spray, then enter the sprayer configuration details.

If the usages of products are part of this recommendation, click in the products cell and select from the drop-down list. You can just start typing to find the product you require.

If the product is to be applied by spray, tick the spray box.

The default rates, if setup, will auto populate the rates field. You can over-type these fields if they are incorrect.

To add an additional product, Enter/Tab through the fields to create a new line.

Enter any notes and a disclaimer if required.

To create an action from the recommendation, click image105_v8 to record an activity as a result of this recommendation.

Click Save when finished.


NB: To delete an unwanted line in a grid, select the line and press Ctrl and the Delete key together or right mouse click. You will then see a confirmation window to delete the line.

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