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Phoenix - User Help

The Open Project window is the first window you will see when launching Phoenix Mapping. The buttons in this window are;

symbol-add   Create a new project

location-ok   Open the selected project

trash   Delete the selected project

zoom-in   Enlarge the preview of the select project

symbol-cancel   Close the Open Project window

The Toolbar in the main mapping window is designed to give the user quick and easy access to the most commonly used commands.  The following is a brief outline of the functions of each button on the Toolbar and Office Screens.

symbol-add   Create a new project

folder-open-filled-location   Open an existing project

save-filled   Save changes to current project

magic-wand   Layer wizard – create or import a new layer

settings-options   View/Edit Program Options

tool-selection-path   Select Mode. Click on the arrow to enable the point and click selection mode to view an object's details or preselecting for activities such as editing. Click on the down arrow to be presented with other selection mode options.

select-none   Deselect or currently selected objects

tool-pencil   Drawing Mode. Used for drawing new shapes, points and lines. When selected, a secondary drawing menu will appear.

shapes-edit   Editing Mode. This allows you to edit any existing drawing on the map. When selected, a secondary drawing menu will appear.


Secondary drawing toolbar buttons:

tool-draw-polygon-edit   Draw polygons (when on polygon layer)

tool-draw-ellipse   Draw circles (when on a polygon layer)      

shape-points-edit          Plot points by entering coordinates, angles, bearings and distances

command-undo-1   Undo last modification

command-redo-1   Re-do the last undo

shapes-remove   Delete object

shapes-refresh   Revert object to original shape

symbol-ok   Stop the drawing function

border-double   Create buffers for selected objects

shapes-documents          Copy the selected objects to another layer

tool-crop          Crop selected layer

table-column-split          Split selected polygon

table-column-merge          Merge selected objects

text-arrow-right-2   Move Labels or click the down arrow to select Move Objects    

tool-ruler   Measure tool. Click the down arrow to select to measure straight lines of single or multiple segments or polygons (areas)

tool-move-filled   Drag map. Allows you to use a dragging motion to pan across the map in any direction.

tool-lasso-polygonal-browse   Zoom to chosen dimension. Allows you to define the area on the map to make full screen.

zoom-auto   View full extent of the image – make image full screen

layers-browse   View active layer extent – make layer full screen

shapes-browse   View selected object extent - make selected object full screen

zoom-in   Zoom in

zoom-out   Zoom out

button-help   Help system


Layer Manager

map_integration views_v8   Integration view. Sets what information is displayed on the map

map_2D-3D toggle_v8   2D - 3D view toggle


Layers Tab:

themes-edit   Open the Theme Editor

color-swatches-magic-wand   Open the Auto Theme

layers-table   View/edit layer properties

layers-arrow-left-2   Change layer alignment – Allows you to modify the alignment of the selected layer in relation to other layers

eraser   Delete all objects from the layer

trash   Delete layer


Object Data Tab:

link   Create/view/edit the linking of paddocks and sub-paddocks from your paddocks and sub-paddocks setup in Livestock and Cropping. This creates the pictorial integration between Mapping and the other modules.

symbol-add   Add label to object

symbol-remove   Remove label from object

table-row-insert   Add a new custom field to Object Data

file-image-attach   Attach notes and images to an object

insert-chart   View line profile graph. The button will only appear if a line object is selected and elevation data is present.

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