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Phoenix - User Help

Navigation: File Library > Enter Transactions

Add a file to an existing Phoenix transaction

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Files from the File Library can be added to an existing Phoenix transaction even if the transaction pre dates the File Library. To add a file to an existing transaction select the transaction within the Financials module and click on the attach file button button. Within the 'Files' window ' the attach a file link link will allow the attachment of one or more files to the selected transaction.


changing a file from the transaction window pnx
The attach a file link link will open the 'Attach Files to Transaction' screen, here one or more files can be added to the transaction.
Select files by clicking on the tick boxes on the left of each file, when the selection is complete use the attach files with number button to attach the files to the transaction. The number of files to be attached reflects the quantity of files you have selected, ensure the correct number are selected before confirming the attachment.
attach files from within transaction window edit

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