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Phoenix - User Help

There are a number of invoice and statement options available. Phoenix provides several pre-formatted layouts, and the user is able to configure a number of others from the components available.

Select Invoice or Statement from the Setup menu.

Scroll through the available layouts in the main list. The preview on the right hand side will show each layout.

To add a new layout, click the Fin_New_Button_v10 button, or click the fin_btn_edit_v8 button to edit an existing layout.

To assign an Additional Business to a template, click the drop-down menu under the heading For Business. To add or edit your Primary or Additional Business, see Company Information.

The indicator on the left of the list will show red for pre-defined template layouts that you cannot edit and green for user defined layouts that you have created, and can edit or delete as required.

A layout consists of a Header, Body and Footer, and a number of options depending on the components selected:

Important: Once you have created a layout to your requirements you then have to tell Phoenix on which Accounts and/or Sub-accounts to use the new layout. See Setup Customer Accounts and/or Setup Supplier Accounts.


See also:        Invoice and Statement Layout Options

         Company Information

         Additional Business

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