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Phoenix Messages

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Transaction in Linked Account is cleared or aged – cannot delete

This message means that you are trying to delete a linked transaction where the corresponding transaction has been cleared or aged.  You will need to unage or unclear the transaction before deleting can be completed.


Data Collection is taking a long time

This message indicates that the report was taking a long time to generate. There are a number of things you can try to stop this error from occurring:

Reduce the number of selections made when generating the report. For example, choose fewer accounts, fewer paddocks, fewer animals as applicable, or choose a shorter time period.

Increase the "Session Timeout" value. This is found on the Suite Screen. Go to the Help menu and choose Support -> Change Session Timeout. Increase the duration and try generating the report again.

And for those not on Phoenix Live:

Ensure there aren't any processor intensive tasks or programs running on your computer at the same time.


Linked Transaction not found

This error may occur during the Check Balance process.  This can only be corrected by our technical department. Contact AGDATA for assistance with this error.


This data was created using an earlier version of Phoenix.  Ok to upgrade the data?

This message appears when trying to open up a set of books for the first time after an upgrade of the Phoenix program has been installed.  The data is upgraded so that the new version of Phoenix can read your data.  Phoenix will ask if you would like to do a back up before this process begins.  AGDATA recommends that you do this.


Transaction in Linked Account is included in a past GST Return – cannot alter amount

This error will occur when trying to edit a transaction that has been included in a GST return that has been finalised.  If the GST return has not yet been sent to the ATO you can simply unfinalise the GST return and make the period current then make the necessary alterations.  If the GST return has already been sent then the GST return should not be unfinalised and edited because this would make your books different to the version that the ATO holds.  If an error has been made then contact the ATO for steps to correct previous period mistakes.


Warning!  This data was created or upgraded using Phoenix version #.  You will need version # or later to use this data.  Errors may occur if you continue.

This message will occur when trying to open up a s et of books.  This message means that you have upgraded your data to an earlier version of Phoenix then tried to open the data with an older version of Phoenix.  DO NOT try and open the data with this version.  You will need to re-install the version of Phoenix to the same level as the data, as detailed in the warning message.


Accounts are not reconciled for this period.

You will receive this warning message when trying to finalise your GST return and there are open reconciled accounts which have not been reconciled past the end of the GST period you are trying to finalise.  When presented with this message you can choose to either stop the finalisation process and open the reconcile window to update the account; or, not to reconcile the account and continue to finalise your GST Return.


Customer and/or Supplier accounts have not been opened for the next period.

You will receive this warning message when trying to finalise your GST return and there are open Customer &/or Supplier accounts which have not been opened past the end of the GST period you are trying to finalise.  When presented with this message you can choose to either stop the finalisation process and open the new month for the account; or, not to open the new month and continue to finalise your GST Return.


The Phoenix Update Server has encountered a problem

You may receive this message if your computer is not connected to the Internet when Phoenix is attempting to check for program updates


©2024 AGDATA Holdings Pty Ltd trading as AGDATA Australia