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Restoring a Backup into an Existing Set of Books

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To restore a Phoenix Backup into an existing Set of Books:

1.Open the Set of Books you wish to restore the backup into.

2.Select the Data menu option and then select Restore...  

3.You will then be presented with a warning that you are about to overwrite all the information currently in that folder.  If you are happy to do so select Restore & overwrite data, if not select Do not restore and restore the backup in to a new set of books.

4.You will then be presented with the Restore window. Select where you want to restore the data from (Drive, Email, or Phoenix Warehouse).
If you are restoring from Drive click the rest_browse_v8 button at the end of the From line to browse to the particular file you wish to restore.
If you are restoring from Email, Phoenix will scan the Email inbox of the default email program set in Windows.  When Phoenix has stopped searching, select the backup you wish to restore from in the From drop-down list.  See also Configuring Emails.

5.Click on the Start Restore button.

6.When restore is complete, click the Close button.

Note: While it is possible to rename your backup files, the default backup file name is a reverse date and time stamp followed by the Phoenix version number. E.g. 2021-02-06 at 09.50_v101.PXBAK

NB: To restore a backup received as an attachment to an email when an email option other than Email Client in Send Emails is selected in Phoenix, the following steps are recommended. Save the backup attachment to a location on your computer. In the Restore Data window select Drive and use the browse button at the end of the From line to navigate to the saved backup file.

See Also: Segmented Backups

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