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Phoenix - User Help

Navigation: File Library > Manage Files

View File Activity

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View File Activity can be accessed by clicking on the downward pointing arrow on the right hand side of the Add Files Button button. This feature shows the date, action, file name and user id of any interactions made within the File Library. In the example below a bill of sale for a Mercedes was added by the admin account on the 31/05 and then removed later that same day, by the same account.
From this window the Load All will force a refresh of the activity log, useful for if you suspect there are movements you have performed that are not being displayed, or if another user is working off site and you wish to ensure their activity has been updated to the most recent version.
In the bottom right, the navigation keys Navigate pages button allow movement between the pages of the log, it is possible the action you are searching for is on a subsequent page.
The Copy button button will copy a selected activity from the log to your clipboard. In windows the shortcut for bringing up your clipboard is 'Windows key+v'.

File Library Activity window

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