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Getting Started with Phoenix

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Welcome to Phoenix Suite of Software.

Phoenix Financial has been driven by the financial information of your business. While that remains the primary focus of any business, the need is now greater than ever to track the production side as well. The Phoenix Production modules record the production aspect of your business. The aim is to have an all-encompassing software package that will meet all your requirements. One of the best advantages of now having a single software package is the complete and seamless integration between financial and production records.

The Phoenix Suite incorporates Financials, File Library, Budgets, Livestock, Mapping, Cropping and Weather.

The Financial module is a detailed financial recording system to assists you in managing your business while fulfilling your GST reporting obligations to the Australian Taxation Office.

The File Library is a digital filing cabinet, built to compliment your daily work flow by providing a safe storage solution for your receipts, invoices and other documents

The Payroll module is a Single Touch Payroll system to for managing your wages and entitlements for your employees while meeting your ATO & Superannuation obligations.

The Budget module offers you the facility to produce detailed budgets for the Bank Manager as well as your own management purposes.  

The Mapping module provides the usual drawing, area and distance calculations with a convenient pictorial representation of the other production data recorded in Production.

The Cropping module records paddock activities and crop performance.

The Livestock module tracks all animal production including all requirements of the National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS) as well as recording grazing loads on paddocks and reports those loads as a Grazing Chart or Grazing Performance Report


This section provides information on:

 Starting a New Set of Books

 Activating Phoenix

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