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Phoenix - User Help


The following information is required:


The category of livestock within an enterprise, i.e., cows, bulls, heifers, steers, calves, ewes, hoggets, rams, lambs, etc.



Animals are classified into four age groups Adult Male, Adult Female, Castrate and Young.


Feed Demand

Average feed requirements per animal, expressed in any available feed demand unit. See also Feed Demand


Main Product

If this account is to be used to record the main commodity produced by this enterprise, then press tick the Main Product check box.

For example, a grain account for a wheat enterprise should be ticked since grain is the main product. If you bale the stubble, then you may set up a second account for the stubble hay, but this account should not be ticked since the stubble hay is not the main commodity produced by the enterprise. Similarly, a wool account for a sheep enterprise should be ticked since wool is the main commodity.

Opening Balance information for all accounts is entered from the Enter Transactions screen. Click on the Enter button on the toolbar, then from the Account selection menu, select the account in question. Click on the Opening Tab at the bottom of the Account selection menu. The following required;

Opening On Hand

Number of animals or amount of commodity on hand at the beginning of the period.


Net market value per unit at the beginning of the period. This figure is net of marketing costs such as transport, commission, etc.

Nominal Value

Nominal Value is requested only in Livestock accounts. This is used for tax calculations and has no place in the Farm Management Reports.

See also: Setup Physical Accounts

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