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Phoenix - User Help

Navigation: Financial > Day to Day Tasks > Bank Feeds

Getting to Know Bank Feeds

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The Bank Feed functionality is designed to allow you to import your transactions from participating financial institutions into Phoenix, either using direct bank feeds or through a manual import. Once you have completed the setup process, transactions can be downloaded and are then available for you to work with. You simply bring up the Bank Transactions screen and click UPDATE to have your latest bank transactions displayed.

As a general overview, using Bank Feeds involves the following steps:

1.Enable your accounts for Bank Feeds in Account Setup.

2.Navigate to the Bank screen.

3.Approve matching transactions - use the filters and find as necessary.

4.Add any missing transactions into Phoenix.



The Bank Transactions screen

Bank Transactions are accessed from the Bank button on the toolbar Fin_Bank_Button_v10


Bank feed transactions window



The Bank Transactions screen is divided into different areas.







See Also:

Day to Day





Batch Actions

Manual Import

Excluding Transactions



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